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Flávia Nascimento was born in Franca in the state of São Paulo. She has a doctorate in French Literature from the Universidade de Paris X Nanterre, with a thesis on literary representation in the twenties, and a Master’s in Literary theory from UNICAMP’s Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, with an annotated translation of Louis Aragon’s surrealist narrative O Camponês de Paris. She has taught in several universities, both French and Brazilian, teaching courses in Brazilian, Portuguese, French and Comparative Literature. She has published numerous articles in national and international, printed and electronic journals, in particular on 20th century narrative.
As a well as translating French national writers she has translated French language writers such as the Ivory Coast writer Ahmadou Kourouma (for whose translation of Alá e as crianças-soldados she was awarded the FNAC - Maison de France prize for the best translation of a French language novel in 2004) and the Egyptian author Albert Cossery. She also translates works on the social sciences (philosophy, history etc.) and she has translated a series of fictitious letters by the Brazilian writer Ignácio Loyola Brandão (Cartas /Lettres) from Portuguese to French. In addition to this she has translated several articles on the social sciences from English to French.
Flávia admits that it rarely possible to choose the works she translates, as it is publishers who usually make the choices. It is due to this that she has accepted commissions for translation of works and authors with which she feels no aesthetic affinity, although she has, on occasion, had the pleasure of translating texts that she as a reader personally values. She notes that relationships with publishers vary; however, in general translators have a relatively free rein to translate as they see fit, apart from titles, which are frequently decided by the publishers themselves.
In her opinion, in order to be good translator one needs to be culturally aware and have a perfect control of the target language and its various registers; one also needs intellectual curiosity. A theoretical awareness of translational problems and knowledge of linguistics can also help, and it is important for a literary translator to be familiar with the history of the literature and authors to be translated. In her opinion one must also have a certain level of daring in order to be a translator, as without this it is not possible to remove oneself from the target language and reach “the other side” of the translation. As well as essays on literature Flávia writes poems and prose texts. She has a book of poetry – under her pen-name Flávia Nascimento Falleiros – for which publication is planned soon.
Entry published on June 8 2005 by:
Narceli Piucco
Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres
Updated in May 10 2007
Translated by
Aragon, Louis. O camponês de Paris. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1996, 259 p.(Le Paysan de Paris). Preface and notes by Flávia Nascimento.
Boudjedra, Rachid. Topografia ideal para uma agressão caracterizada. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, forthcoming. Translator’s introduction. (Topographie idéale pour une agression caractérisée).
Bardet, Gaston. O Urbanismo. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Campinas: Papirus, 1990. (L'Urbanisme).
Brandão, Ignácio Loyola. Lettres. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento & Jean-Yves Mérian (French version)]. São Paulo / Porto Alegre: Iluminuras / Funproarte, 2004. (Cartas).
Druon, Maurice. Os Reis Malditos. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. (Les Rois maudits). Historical series comprised of the volumes: Quando um rei perde a França. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2006. (Quand un roi perd la France) A Flor-de-lis e o Leão. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2006. (Le Lis et le Lion.) A Lei dos varões. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2005. (La loi des mâles.) A Loba de França. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2005. (La Louve de France.) A Rainha estrangulada. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2004. (La reine étranglée) Os Venenos da coroa. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2004. (Les poisons de la couronne.) O rei de ferro. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2003. (Le roi de fer.)
Ferro, Marc. Cinema e história. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1992. (Cinéma et histoire).
Kourouma, Ahmadou. Alá e as crianças-soldado. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2003. (Allah n'est pas obligé).
Lama, Dalai. Pacificando o espírito. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2000.(Pacifier l'esprit).
Leroux, Gaston. A poltrona assombrada. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Ática, 1998. (Lê Fauteuil hanté).
Manon, Simone. Platão. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992. (Platon).
Misrahi, Robert. A Felicidade: ensaio sobre a alegria. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2001. (Le Bonheur, essai sur la joie).
Morin, Edgar. (Coord.) A religação dos saberes: o desafio do século XXI. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2001. (Relier les connaissances: le défi du XXI). Several authors.
Pankow, Gisela. O homem e seu espaço vivido: análises literárias. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Campinas: Papirus, 1988. (L'Homme et son espace vécu, analyses littéraires).
Paty, Michel. D'Alembert. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2002.(D'Alembert).
Rahimi, Atiq. Terra e cinzas: um conto afegão. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2002. (Terre et cendres).
Romana, Muriel. Marco Polo: a caravana de Veneza. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, forthcoming. (Marco Polo: La caravane de Venise).
Stalloni, Yves. Os gêneros literários: a comédia, o drama, a tragédia. O romance, a novela, os contos,a poesia. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2000. (Les genres littéraires).
Tournier, Michel. Sexta-feira ou a vida selvagem. [Trans: Flávia Nascimento]. Rio de Janeiro: BertrandBrasil, 2001. (Vendredi ou la vie sauvage).
« La situation des enfants-ouvriers aux yeux de l'Occident: un débat sur des sables mouvants ». Paris: Editions Karthala, 2003. (Child workers: the shifting debate.)
« Les femmes à la suite des guerres civiles en Afrique ». Paris: Editions Karthala, 2003. (Women in the aftermath of civil war.)
« Les entrelacements de l'Histoire, de la mémoire et de la fiction dans Alexandra Alpha, de J. Cardoso Pires ». Revue Crisol, Paris, v. 7, p. 49-60, 2006.
« L'effet d'excès dans O Guarani ». Cahier du Centre de Recherche sur les pays lusophones, Paris, v. 13, 2006.
« Poiesis e auto-poiesis em Sinais de Fogo, de Jorge de Sena ». Scripta, Belo Horizonte, v. 19, 2006 (no prelo).
« O poeta expulso da República, prenúncios e rastros da História em Sinais de Fogo, de Jorge de Sena ». Revista Metamorfoses, Rio de Janeiro, Lisboa, v. 7, 2006.
« A Paris d’O Camponês ». Revista Letras, Curitiba, v. 70, 2006. « Quelques réflexions sur Lisbonne, Livre de bord, Voix, regards, ressouvenances, de J. Cardoso Pires ». Archive Ouverte en Sciences de L'homme et de La Société Hal Shs, Paris, 2006.
« Passantes: de Poe & Baudelaire a Mac Orlan (passando por Aragon, Breton, Restif, Zola) ». Agulha, revista eletrônica de cultura, v. 52, p. 1-14, 2006.
« Les jeux de la transtextualité dans Pedro e Paula, by Helder Macedo, from Esaú e Jacó, by Machado de Assis ». In: Au carrefour des littératures brésilienne et bytugaise: influences, correspondances, échanges (19ème-20ème siècles), Ed. Lusophone, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006, Paris, p. 211-226.
« La correspondance de Mário de Andrade et Câmara Cascudo: un apbyt à la construction de la brésilianité ». Cahier du Centre de Recherche sur les pays lusophones, Paris Sorbonne, v. 11, p. 168-185, 2004.
« As artimanhas do esteta-artífice. Apontamentos sobre a composição d'O Museu negro, de André Pieyre de Mandiargues ». Revista Letras, Curitiba, v. 62, p. 41-59, 2004.
« Les migrants nordestins à São Paulo: entre intégration et rejet ». Revista Crisol, Paris Nanterre, v. 7, p. 219-229, 2003.
« Paris pós-guerra ». Revista Letras, Curitiba, v. 59, p. 61-76, 2003.
« Notas sobre o mito literário de Paris: de Restif aos surrealistas ». Agulha Revista de Arte e Cultura, São Paulo-Fortaleza, v. 25, 2002.
Paris dans la littérature française des années vingt: contribution à l'histoire de la représentation. 1a. ed. Lille: Atelier National de reproduction de thèses (ANRT), 1998. 493 p., ISBN 22840160.
O Camponês de Paris de Louis Aragon, with na introduction and notes by the translator, followed by a postface on the difficulties of the translation. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1996.
"Garçon manqué", revista eletrônica Escritoras Suicidas, edição 6. 2006.
« Noturno para as metrópoles de luso-América » . 2006.
« A um passante » , « versos livres para Blake » , « Ave-Maria » , « Poema oculto » , « Retrato dos avós paternos quando jovens » e « As coleções da tia ». 2006. "Homem". 2006. « Breve poética”,
“Poemeto”, “Poema dúbio”, “Engarrafamento”, Revista Inimigo Rumor, n° 17, RJ, 2005.
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