Erlon José Paschoal ::DITRA:: Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil :: 
Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil

Erlon José Paschoal

Profile | Translation excerpts | Bibliography

The stage director, playwright and translator Erlon José Paschoal was born in São Paulo in 1953. In 1960 he began school at the Grupo escolar Padre Otílio de Oliveira in São Bernardo do Campo, and in 1965 started studying at the Colégio Estadual de Vila Gerti in São Caetano do Sul. In 1969 he moved to the Colégio Lauro Gomes de Almeida, in São Bernardo do Campo.

His first contact with the theatre was in 1971 when he started a theatre course at SESC – Anchieta in São Paulo. After two years he took a course at the Piccolo Theatre in São Paulo and four years later he founded the Grupo de Teatro Brancaleone, in collaboration with Margarete Galvão.

Erlon studied Portuguese & German Language Studies at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo in 1981, and that same year taught Portuguese, Brazilian literature and text production at the Colégio São Judas Tadeu in São Paulo.

In 1981 he studied German Language and Culture at the Instituto Goethe in Munich, and a year later studied the same course and a theatre course in Berlin. In 1983 he moved to Belém do Pará in the north of Brazil, where he created a cultural project that was financed by the Secretaria de Cultura do Estado do Pará, the Casa de Estudos Germânicos and DAAD.

He has written articles on theatre and literature as a columnist for Você magazine, and he has regularly published articles and criticism in the newspapers, A Gazeta Mercantil, A Gazeta and A Tribuna. He also took part in the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland in 1995. Between April 1994 and June 1996 he produced the program Nas Ondas da Alemanha for Rádio Universitária and from September 1998 to March 1999 he contributed to the radio program, Mistura Capixaba, together with Margarete Galvão.

He was one of those responsible for the event commemorating the 30th anniversary of the death of Bertolt Brecht, organizing seminars, exhibitions, book launches and performances in Rio de Janeiro. In 1997, at the invitation of the Instituto Cultural Brasil Alemanha (ICBA) he visited eight of the major theatre schools in Germany and met and exchanged experiences with noted groups and directors including the Grips-Theater, the Berliner Ensemble, the Volksbühne, Stephan Suschke, Volker Ludwig, Nele Hertling and Horst Siede. He had the opportunity to share experiences with German translators working from Portuguese like Berthold Zilly, Curt Meyer-Clason, Ray-Güde Mertin and Ute Hermanns.

He began teaching German at the Instituto Goethe and at the Baukurs-Institut when he moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1985.

He was a teacher and was responsible for the cultural program at the Instituto Teuto (Goethe) in Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo and also at the Centro de Línguas da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) for ten years. He also worked as an interpreter for the ICBA in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, for the Companhia Siderúrgica Tubarão (CST) and for the Companhia do Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), in Vitória, Espírito Santo.

Between November 1995 and August 1996 Erlon held the position of Chief of the Division of Cultural Production and Dissemination at the Secretaria de Cultura de Vitória. He was theatre representative for the Lei Rubem Braga Normativa Commision in 1997 and 1998, and for the Theatre and Opera commission for the Conselho Municipal de Cultura from March 1995 to March 1997, where he was also Executive Secretary as well as speaker for the Plano Municipal de Cultura.

He worked as a cultural assistant for the Associação Musical Mercosul do Rio de Janeiro and the Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Espírito Santo. He was technical assistant to the Plano de Ações in the area of Human Development and Cultural Transformation for the Terra Project and was a judge in the V Festival de Monólogos de Vitória. He was a cultural advisor for the project Vitória do Futuro, and editor and one of the founders of the Internet arts journal Vitoriaweb.

He was involved in the production team of the IV to the VIII Vitória Cine Vídeo, from 1997 to 2001 and for the drawing up of the project Escola de Teatro e Dança FAFI for which he was also Theatre coordinator between June 1997 and May 2001.

He spent five months in Germany studying and directing at the Berliner Ensemble and the Grips-Theater in Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden and regularly develops projects in partnership with the Brasilianisches Kulturinstitut in Berlin. He also worked at the Ministério da Cultura coordinating the project Copa de Cultura, which created an intensive cultural program in Germany over the year of the world cup.

In 2004 he was awarded the Prêmio... in São Paulo for his translation of João Guimarães Rosa - Correspondência com seu tradutor alemão Curt Meyer-Clason (1958-1967).

Entry published on October 27 2005 by:
Manuela Acássia Accácio
Werner Heiderman

Translated by


Published translations

Brecht, Bertolt. A verdadeira vida de Jonas Vemcá. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1986. (Das wirkliche Leben des Jakob Geherda).

Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro Completo. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1996. 235 p. v. I, XI e XII.

Bussolotti, Maria A. F. M. (Org.). João Guimarães Rosa - Correspondence with his German translator Curt Meyer-Clason (1958-1967). [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG; Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2003. 447 p.

Goethe, Johann W. von. As afinidades eletivas. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Nova Fronteira, 1993, 283 p. (Die Wahlverwandtschaften). Preface by Kathrin H. Rosenfield. Novel.

Goethe, J. W. von. Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther. [By: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Esta ção Liberdade, 1999. 174 p. (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers). Postface by Willi Bolle.

Cassirer, Ernst. A questão Jean-Jacques Rousseau. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 1999. 141 p. (The question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau).

Franz, Marie-Louise von. Reflexos da alma: Projeção e Recolhimento Interior na Psicologia de C.G. Jung. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1993. 232 p. (Spiegelungen der Seele. Projektion und innere Sammlung in der Psychologie C. G. Jungs).

Haug, Wolfgang F. Crítica da estética da mercadoria. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 1997. 210 p. (Kritik der Warenästhetik).

Herder. Dicionário de Símbolos. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Círculo do Livro, 1991. 214 p. (Lexikon Symbole).

Hölderlin, Friedrich. Hipérion - ou O eremita na Grécia. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 2003. 182 p. (Hyperion oder der Eremit in Griechenland). Novel.

Kafka, Franz. A metamorfose. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 1989. (Die Verwandlung). Preface by Leandro Konder. Novela.

Kast, Verena. A condição prévia para o castigo. In: Kast, Verena. Sísifo a mesma pedra um novo caminho. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1991. (Die Vorbedingung für die Strafe).

Krüll, Marianne. Na rede dos magos: uma outra história da família Mann. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1997. 512 p. (Im Netz der Zauberer). Essay.

Lenz, Jakob M. R. O preceptor ou Vantagens da educação particular: uma comédia. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal; Wille Bolle; Flávio Quintiliano]. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1983. 179 p. (Der Hofmeister oder Vorteile der Privaterziehung: eine Komödie). Play.

Lutero, Martinho. Da liberdade do cristão: prefácios à biblia. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2001. 127 p. (Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen).

Mann, Heinrich. O anjo azul: ou a queda de um tirano. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2002. 237 p. (Professor Unrat oder Das Ende eines Tyrannen). Novel.

Mann, Klaus. Mefisto: romance de uma carreira. [Trans: Erlon Paschoal]. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade, 2000. 318 p. (Mephisto). Novel.

Um genocídio em julgamento o processo Taalat Paxá na república de Weimar. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1994. 250 p. (Der Völkermord an den Armeniern vor Gericht: der Prozess Talaat Pascha).

Published works

Paschoal, Erlon. Oficina teatral - Um processo de trabalho. Belém: EDUFPA, 1984. 61 p.

Paschoal, Erlon. O mendigo e O caçador e outras peças. Vitória: Flor e cultura, 1999. Collection of five theatrical texts.

Paschoal, Erlon. Espelho da alma. Vitória: Flor e cultura, 2000. Story collection.

Paschoal, Erlon; Galvão, Margarete. Ainda bem que aqui deu certo. Rio de Janeiro: Babel, 1995. Theatre text.

Paschoal, Erlon; Galvão, Margarete. Atrás da vitória. Vitória: Flor e cultura, 1992. Theatre text.

Paschoal, Erlon. Causa secreta, de Machado de Assis. Staged in 1978, with the group Grupo Brancaleone in São Paulo.

Paschoal, Erlon. A farsa de Dom Cristóvão, by Federico García Lorca. Staged in 1979 and 1980.

Paschoal, Erlon. Nova Califórnia, by Lima Barreto. Staged in 1980, com the group Boca do Povo in São Paulo - SP.

Paschoal, Erlon. A Morte do imortal, by Lauro César Muniz.

Paschoal, Erlon. Woyzeck, by Georg Büchner. Staged in 1983.

Paschoal, Erlon. A imbytância de estar de acordo, by Bertolt Brecht. Staged in 1984 and 1985.

Paschoal, Erlon. 500 anos de América. Staged in 1992, at the Teatro da Fafi.

Paschoal, Erlon. Atrás da Vitória. Staged in 1993.

Paschoal, Erlon. Ainda Bem Que Aqui Deu Certo. Staged in São Paulo at the Teatro Cacilda Becker in 1994.

Paschoal, Erlon. No Caminho de Vila Rica. Operetta by Sérgio Dias, with the chamber music group from EMES and singers Márcio Neiva, Cláudio Modesto, Carlos Vasconcelos and Kátia Oliveira in 1996 and 1997.

Paschoal, Erlon. O Muro, by Silvio Barbieri. Staged in July 1998.

Paschoal, Erlon. O Studio-Ópera. FEMUSICA - Festival de Música de Campo-RJ, 1998.

Paschoal, Erlon. Dido e Enéas, by Henry Purcell. Staged in 1998.

Paschoal, Erlon. As cadeiras, by Eugène Ionesco. Staged in 1999, at the Teatro Carlos Gomes.

Paschoal, Erlon. A palavra que apalavra, by Jace Theodor. Staged in November 2000, at the Teatro do Sesi.

Paschoal, Erlon. Ópera Pop - Panela de Barro. Staged in September 2001, at Praia de Camburi. Script, direction and text selection.

Paschoal, Erlon. Ludwig e as irmãs, by Thomas Bernhard. Directed by Maurício Paroni with Ricardo Blat, Giovanna de Toni and Lulu Pavarin - SP/RJ/ES 2002.

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ISBN:   85-88464-07-1

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Centro de Comunicação e Expressão


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