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Eliane Zagury was born on 24 February 1945 in Rio de Janeiro where she lived until 1966, when she graduated in Portuguese and Spanish from the old Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia da Universidade do Brasil, now UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). In 1967, she went to Madrid and specialized in Spanish philology at the Instituto de Cultura Hispánica de Madrid. On her return to Brazil in 1968 she settled in her home city, Rio de Janeiro, and in 1970 began work at the FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), as a translator for the Documentation Institute and as an advisor to the Escola Interamericana de Administração Pública [InterAmerican School of Public Administration]. She left FGV in 1984 to work as a professor at UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro). She taught undergraduate Spanish Literature, Hispano American Literature, Spanish and Hispanic American Cultures, Spanish Language, and several courses in the Portuguese Language and Literature Program. She also taught groups for the Brazilian Literature Master’s program. In addition to her teaching activities she also later worked for the University administration at UERJ.
Her first contact with foreign languages and translation was when still a child as she learnt English and French with her father’s family. Her grandfather had been brought up in England and always encouraged her to speak the language. Her father and uncles conversed in French as they had lived in Morocco when it was still under French rule. Understanding and speaking English and French as well as Portuguese helped her at primary school when teachers asked for translations exercises from French and from Latin. As an adult, Eliane has translated regularly for the publications O Correio da Unesco and Finance & Development, as well as various technical reports. She has also translated books from French and English, but the only language she translates literature from is Spanish, including works by authors such as Gabriel García Márquez, Juan Rulfo, Octavio Paz and Pablo Neruda.
In addition to her translations, she has also published her own books of literary studies and a collection of essays and articles previously published in magazines and literary journals, mostly on Brazilian literature.
Entry published on July 20 2005 by:
Rebeca Miscow Machado
Walter Carlos Costa
Translated by
Pablo Neruda. Antologia Poética.Rio de Janeiro: Sabiá, 1968.
Gabriel García Márquez. Cem Anos de Solidão. Rio de Janeiro: Sabi, 1969. (Cien años de soledad).
Octavio Paz. O Labirinto da Solidão e Post-Scriptum. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1976.
Juan Rulfo. Pedro Páramo e O Planalto em Chamas. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1977.
Gabriel García Márquez. Cheiro de Goiaba: Conversas com Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1982.
Francisco de Quevedo. O Gatuno. São Paulo: Global, 1985.
Alejo Carpentier. O Cerco. São Paulo: Global, 1988.
Jorge Luis Borges e Oswaldo Ferrari. Borges em Diálogo. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1986.
Luis Rafael Sánchez. A guaracha do Macho Camacho. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1981.
Zagury, Eliane. A Palavra e os Ecos. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1971.
Zagury, Eliane. Castro Alves Tempo, Vida e Obra. Rio de Janeiro: Bruguera, 1971.
Zagury, Eliane. Castro Alves de Todos Nós. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976.
Zagury, Eliane. Cecília Meireles. (col. PMB). Petrópolis: Vozes, 1973.
Zagury, Eliane. A Escrita do Eu. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1982.
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