Claudia Beck Abeling Szabo ::DITRA:: Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil :: 
Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil

Claudia Beck Abeling Szabo

Profile | Translation excerpts | Bibliography

Claudia Abeling – her pen name – was born in São Paulo on 9 May 1965. She learnt German at home and she later improved her language skills at the school Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro, where she took classes in German as a foreign language.

She holds a BA in Social Communication with a specialization in Editing from the Escola de Comunicações e Artes at Universidade de São Paulo. Although her main area of activity is book editing and acting as a consultant to editorial companies, Abeling also works as a translator because, according to her, “in working constantly with publishers, I have had the opportunity to translate things now and then, and the tasks started getting more complex and sometimes really challenging.”

She was executive editor at Editora Globo, managing editor for instructive and text books at Editora Saraiva, and editor in chief at Brasiliense. As a trainee at Fundação Bertelsmann she worked at the publishing house Campus and she was also editorial producer at the publishing house Vittorio Klostermann, both located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Claudia Abeling has published seventeen translations. She translates literature for adults, teenagers, and children, but she avoids technical translations. For her, “it is not always possible to choose the works that I translate, but it is always possible to turn down offers that do not fit my profile (the technical ones) and that have a tight deadline.” In addition to German, she also works with English and has some knowledge of Hungarian and French.

She says she usually writes the jacket and cover blurb for the books she edits, but not for the translations she does.

According to Claudia Abeling, to be a good translator “one needs to have a profound knowledge of the source language and to feel ‘at ease’ with the target language. Moreover, it is also wise to do a lot of research and to collaborate with the people involved in editing: the copy editor, the revisers, and the editor.”

Entry published on February 11 2006 by:
Manuela Acássia Accácio
Werner Heiderman

Updated in June 18 2007

Translated by
Carolina Paganine


Published translations

Abdel-Oadir, Ghazi. O presente da vovó Sara. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Edições SM, 2005. 159 p. (Das Geschenk von Großmutter Sara). Children’s Literature.

Asper, Katrin. Abandono e auto-alienação. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Summus, 1996. (Verlassenheit und Selbstentfremdung). Psychology.

Brezina, Thomas. Quem vai decifrar o Código Leonardo?. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Ática, 2005. 112 p. (Wer knackt den Leonardo-Code?). Children’s Literature.

Dörrie, Doris. O vestido azul. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Globo, 2004. 151 p. (Das blaue Kleid). Novel.

Gollmann, Birgit. Gatos: comportamento, alimentação e cuidados. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Melhoramentos, 2003. 48 p. (Katzen). Coleção Animais em casa.

Greger, Bernd. Peixes. Comportamento, alimentação, cuidados. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Melhoramentos, 2003. 45 p. (Fische im Aquarium. Heimtiere halten, Verhalten, Ernährung, Pflege). Coleção Animais em casa.

Janßen, Ulrich; Steuernagel, Ulla. A universidade das crianças: cientistas explicam os enigmas do mundo. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Planeta do Brasil, 2005. 231 p. (Die Kinder-Uni: Forscher erklären die Rätsel der Welt).

Junge, Traudl. Até o fim. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 2005. 240 p. (Bis zur letzten Stunde). Report.

Kaminer, Wladimir. Balada russa. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Globo, 2005. 186 p. (Russendisko). Short stories.

Kolar, Kurt. Periquitos. Comportamento, alimentação, cuidados. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo, Melhoramentos, 2003. 47 p. (Nymphensittiche ¬ Verhalten, Ernährung, Pflege). Coleção Animais em casa.

Miller, Alice. O drama da criança bem dotada: como os pais podem formar (e deformar) a vida emocional dos filhos. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Summus, 1997. 109 p. (Das Drama des begabten Kindes). Psychology.

Nöstlinger, Christine. Mini é demais. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Editora do Brasil, 2001. (Mini ist die Größte). Children’s Literature.

Nöstlinger, Christine. Mini não é medrosa. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Editora Brasil, 2001. (Mini ist kein Angsthase). Children’s Literature.

Nöstlinger, Christine. Mini banca a detetive. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Editora Brasil, 2001. (Mini erlebt einen Krimi). Children’s Literature.

Preussler, Otfried. As aventuras do poderoso Vânia. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Edições SM, 2004. 203 p. (Die Abenteuer des starken Wanja). Children’s Literature.

Reich, Eva; Zornànszky, Eszter. Energia vital pela bioenergética suave. [Trans.:Claudia Abeling]. São Paulo: Summus, 1998. 143 p. (Lebensenergie durch sanfte Bioenergetik). Health.

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ISBN:   85-88464-07-1

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Centro de Comunicação e Expressão


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