Christine Röhrig ::DITRA:: Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil :: 
Dictionary of literary translators in Brazil

Christine Röhrig

Profile | Translation excerpts | Bibliography

Christine Röhrig was born in São Paulo, the daughter of a German immigrant, she learnt German when a child. She studied at the Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro where she followed the German curriculum, which included the study of the language as well as other subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry in German.

She graduated in Journalism from Universidade Paulista, and she began but did not finish an MA in Journalism at Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA - USP). Between 1991 and 1999 she worked as an editor at the publishing house Paz e Terra and also as a secretary for the editorial staff of the journal Revista Política Externa . Between 1999 and 2001 she was an editor at Cosac & Naify, where she still coordinates the series Coleção dramática of dramatic texts.

She has been to Germany many times: from 1995 to 2002 she worked at the Frankfurt fair, and in 2003 she traveled to Berlin to take part in the Heiner Müller Colloquium organized by the Heiner Müller Society and the Arts Academy.

Röhrig is a member of Núcleo Suspeito, a group of artists who act in many areas, but with a focus on theatre. She has published many articles in newspapers such as Folha de São Paulo and Estado de São Paulo. She has translated and coordinated the publication of many contemporary German plays by authors such as Bertolt Brecht, Heiner Müller, Renné Pollesch, Armin Petras, and Dea Loher.

She wrote the script for the film short Quero ser Jack White, by Charly Braun, and she has also translated numerous German plays that have been staged all over Brazil including: Woyzeck and A morte de Danton, directed by Cibele Forjaz; Fausto Zero, staged by Márcio Meirelles in 2001 and in 2004 by Gabriel Villela; A vida na praça Roosevelt directed by Rodolfo Velásquez; and Samuel Beckett’s Esperando Godot, directed by Marcelo Lazzarato.

Röhrig believes that “studying the author and the context of the work to be translated, and knowing Portuguese well” are necessary to be a good translator.

Entry published on October 26 2005 by:
Manuela Acássia Accácio
Werner Heiderman

Updated in March 26 2009

Translated by
Carolina Paganine


Published translations

Bauer, Jutta. O anjo da guarda do vovô. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2004. 64 p. (Opas Engel).

Bierman, Franziska. O Sr Raposo adora livros!. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2004. 64 p. (Herr Fuchs mag Bücher).

Brecht, Bertolt. Os cabeças redondas e cabeças pontudas. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1991. v. 5, 287 p. (Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe).

Brecht, Bertolt. Dansen. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992. v. 7, 232 p. (Dansen).

Brecht, Bertolt. Quanto custa o ferro?. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992. v. 7, 232 p. (Was kostet das Eisen?).

Brecht, Bertolt. Antígona de Sófocles. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Angelika E. Köhnke]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. v. 10, 251 p. (Die Antigone des Sophokles).

Brecht, Bertolt. Don Juan. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1995. v. 12, 306 p. (Don Juan).

Brecht, Bertolt. O Preceptor. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Erlon Paschoal]. In: Brecht, Bertolt. Teatro Completo em 12 volumes. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1995. v. 11, 196 p. (Der Hofmeister). Adapted by Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz.

Brecht, Bertolt. O declínio do egoísta Johann Fatzer. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2002. 253 p. (Der Untergang des Egoisten Johann Fatzer). Preface by Heiner Müller. Staged in Salvador - Teatro Vila Velha - 2001.

Büchner, Georg. A morte de Danton. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2005. 77 p. (Dantons Tod). Staged in 2004, in São Paulo by Cibele Forjaz.

Büchner, Georg. Woyzeck. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2005. (Woyzeck). Staged in 2002 in Rio de Janeiro and in 2003 in São Paulo, directed by Cibele Forjaz.

Esterl, Arnica. O alfaiate valente. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2004. 32 p. (Das tapfere Schneiderlein). Highly recommendable translation award given by Fundação Biblioteca Nacional.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Fausto Zero: escrito entre 1773 e 1775. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2001. 205 p. (Urfaust). Staged in São Paulo in 2004 and in Salvador in 2001. O livro mais bonito do mundo Award in 2002, given by UNESCO’s German Comission.

Inkiow, Dimiter. Minha irmã Clara e o rabo do leão. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1994. 91 p. (Meine Schwester Klara und der Löwenschwanz).

Inkiow, Dimiter. Minha irmã Clara e o tubarão. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1995. 89 p. (Meine Schwester Klara und der Haifisch).

Inkiow, Dimiter. Minha irmã Clara e a poça d'água. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1996. 91 p. (Meine Schwester Klara und die Pfütze).

Müller, Heiner. O achatador de salário. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Der Lohndrücker).

Müller, Heiner. A cruz de ferro. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Das eiserne Kreuz).

Müller, Heiner. Descrição de imagem. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Bildbeschreibung).

Müller, Heiner. Hamletmaschine. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Hamletmaschine). Staged by Carla Bessa.

Müller, Heiner. História de amor. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Liebesgeschichte).

Müller, Heiner. Lições. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Lektionen).

Müller, Heiner. Maelstromsüdpol. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Samuel Titan]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Maelstromsüdpol).

Müller, Heiner. Margem abandonada, Medeamaterial, paisagem com argonautas. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Verkommenes Ufer, Medeamaterial Landschaft mit Argonauten).

Müller, Heiner. Relato do pai. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Bericht vom Vater).

Müller, Heiner. Relato do avô. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Bericht vom Großvater).

Müller, Heiner. Relato do início. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Bericht vom Anfang).

Müller, Heiner. Seis pontos para a ópera. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Sechs Punkte zur Oper).

Müller, Heiner. Uma contribuição ao debate. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1993. 206 p. (Ein Diskussionsbeitrag).

Müller, Heiner. Necrofilia é o amor ao futuro. In: Revista Vintém ¬ Companhia do Latão. Ensaios para um Teatro Dialético, São Paulo: Hucitec, n. 2, mai./jun./jul. 1998. (Nekrofilie ist Liebe zur Zukunft). Interview.

Müller, Heiner. Quero ver Brecht num peep-show. In: Revista Vintém ¬ Companhia do Latão: Ensaios para um Teatro Dialético, São Paulo: Hucitec, n. 2, mai./jun./jul. 1998. (Ich wünsche mir Brecht in der Peep-Schow). Interview.

Müller, Heiner. Para sempre em Hollywood. In: Revista Vintém ¬ Companhia do Latão: Ensaios para um Teatro Dialético, São Paulo: Hucitec, n. 2, mai./jun./jul. 1998. (Für immer in Hollywood). Interview.

Müller, Heiner. Conversa com Wolfgang Heise. In: Revista Vintém ¬ Companhia do Latão: Ensaios para um Teatro Dialético, São Paulo: Hucitec, n. 2, mai./jun./jul. 1998. (Gespräch mit Wolfgang Heise). Interview.

Pilkey, Dav. Capitão Cueca e a fúria da fascinorosa mulher tentacular. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Charles Cosac]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2003. 165 p. (Captain underpants and the wrath of the wicked wedgie woman).

Spinnen, Burkhard. Gigantes belgas. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004. 200 p. (Belgische Riesen).

Unpublished translations

Beckett, Samuel. Esperando Godot. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Waiting for Godot). Translation of a dramatic work for performance of the group Boa Companhia directed by Marcelo Lazzarato, 2005.

Büchner, Georg. Leonce e Lena. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo: Instituto Goethe, 2004. 27 p. (Leonce und Lena). Translation of an unpublished dramatic work, available in DOC format at Goethe Institute. Staged in 2005 by Gabriel Villela.

Handke, Peter. A hora em que não sabíamos nada uns dos outros. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten). Translation of a dramatic work staged by Companhia Elevador de Teatro Panorâmico under the direction of Marcelo Lazzaratto.

Kroetz, Franz Xaver. Cidade alta. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Oberösterreich). Translation of a dramatic work staged by Cibele Forjaz, from the Companhia Livre de Teatro, in São Paulo, 2003.

Kroetz, Franz Xaver. O ninho. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Das Nest). Translation of a dramatic work staged by Cibele Forjaz, from the Companhia Livre de Teatro, in São Paulo, 2003.

Loher, Dea. O terceiro setor. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Der dritte Sektor). Unpublished dramatic text translated in 2003, available in DOC format at Goethe Institute.

Loher, Dea. A vida na praça Roosevelt. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Das Leben auf der Praça Roosevelt). Translation of a dramatic work staged in 2005 by Companhia dos Sátyros, directed by Rodolfo García Vázquez.

Mayenburg, Marius von. Parasitas. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. São Paulo, Salvador: Instituto Goethe, 2002. 30 p. (Parasiten). Unpublished dramatic text available in DOC format at Goethe Institute.

Müller, Heiner. Anatomia Tito Fall of Rome ¬ Um comentário de Shakespeare. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. Translation of a dramatic work, 2005. (Anatomie Tito Fall of Rome ¬ Ein Shakespearekommentar). It will be staged in 2006 by Gabriel Villela.

Müller, Heiner. A missão. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. In: Müller, Heiner. Medeamaterial. (Der Auftrag). Dramatic work that will be staged in 2006 under the direction of Márcio Meirelles.

Ostermaier, Albert. Entroncamento Vale da morte. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcos Renaux]. São Paulo; Salvador: Instituto Goethe, 2002. 38 p. (Death Valley Junction). Unpublished dramatic text available in DOC format at Goethe Institute.

Pollesch, René. Cidade roubada. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Stadt als Beute). Translation of a dramatic work.

Pollesch, René. Insourcing do lar. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Insourcing des Zuhause. Menschen in Scheiß-Hotels). Translation of a dramatic work.

Pollesch, René. Sexo. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig]. (Sex). Translation of a dramatic work.

Wedekind, Frank. O espírito da terra. [Trans.:Christine Röhrig; Marcelo Motta Monteiro; Marcos Renaux; Willi Bolle]. (Der Erdgeist). Translation and performance. Staged in 1999 and in 2004, in São Paulo.

Published works

Unpublished works

Röhrig, Christine. Honestamente. Staged in 2004 and in 2005 by Companhia de teatro Paidéia, directed by Amauri Falseti.

Röhrig, Christine. Marlene e o sapo. Monologue. Staged in 2002 and in 2005.

Röhrig, Christine. Mr K e os artista de fome. Free adaptation of a work by Kafka: Um artista da fome, by Christine Röhrig. Staged at the Arena Festival at Erlangen, Germany, 2003, and in Brazil in 2004 and 2005. Arena Festival Award 2003.

Röhrig, Christine. Quero ser Jack White. Short film script. Cultura inglesa Award 2004, Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, 2004.

Röhrig, Christine. Via de Regra. Monologue staged in 2002 in São Paulo, during a show of German Cinema organized by Goethe Institute and in 2005 it was staged by Companhia Paidéia.

< h4>Other works

Brecht, Bertolt. O círculo de giz caucasiano. [Trans.:Manuel Bandeira]. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2002. 213 p. (Der kaukasische Kreidekreis). Edited by Christine Röhrig and Samuel Titan Júnior.


Special Award Entre os dez livros mais bonitos do Mundo by UNESCO 2003, for Urfaust -- Fausto Zero - by Johann Wolfgang Goethe – published by Cosac & Naify, in Paris.

Arena Festival Award 2003, in Erlangen, Germany, for the free adaptation of Kafka’s work: Um artista da fome.

Award Cultura inglesa 2004. Rio de Janeiro International Film Festiva for the short film Quero ser Jack White.

Award Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, in the category "Altamente Recomendável", for the translation of the following children books: O anjo da guarda do vovô, 2004, O Sr Raposo adora livros!, 2005, O alfaiate valente, 2005. All of them published by Cosac & Naify.

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ISBN:   85-88464-07-1

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Centro de Comunicação e Expressão


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

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