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Ana Maria Amorim de Alencar was born in Salvador, Bahia on the 4th December 1952. She has lived in France twice: the first time between 1954 and 1959 and then between 1967 and 1979. She also lived in Algeria from 1965 to 1966 and she was educated in both countries.
She graduated and then received her Masters in literature and language studies from the Université Paris VII, and she then took her doctorate in Literary Science (Semiology) at UFRJ, where she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the school of Language studies since 1980. Between 1978 and 1979, she gave classes in Portuguese and French at the Institut de Formation Professionnelle Continue, and in French Literature at the Institut d'Enseignement Professionnel et Commercial in Paris. She was also a French Language and Literature professor at PUC-RJ from 1981 to 1983.
She translates literature from French to Portuguese and Portuguese to French, and she also translates texts on psychoanalysis, philosophy and literary theory. She nowadays only translates texts that have bearing on her own personal interests and research.
She works as Portuguese-French, French-Portuguese interpreter and also writes on translation practice as well as being frequently invited to speak on literary translation, simultaneous interpreting and translation in general. She translates on occasion with her daughter Sabira and her sister Angela, who are both also translators, and in her opinion a good translator should know how to read closely, and should have a good ear for poetry.
Entry published on May 8 2007 by:
Dina Omar
Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres
Updated in June 18 2007
Translated by
Blanchot, Maurice. Pena de morte. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1991. 124 p. (L'Arrêt de Mort). Novel.
Deguy, Michel. Por.uma razão poética. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. In: Revista Argumento, n. 3, 2004. (Pour une raison poétique). Essay.
Didier-Weill, Alain. Os Três Tempos da Lei. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1997. 344 p. (Les Trois Temps de la Loi). Essay, psychoanalysis.
Krajcberg, Frans. Destruição. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. Marseille: Editora Materia Prima, 2005. (Destruction). Ensaios. Tradução dos ensaios: Là où sont nos racines, Feux et lieux de l'humanité sur la terre, Une écologie de la libération humaine, Menaces sur la biodiversité, Les jardins du feu : évolution et transformisme, La contribution du feu dans les arts visuels, Extraits du discours - Sommet des Industriels de Davos.
Fucks, Betty. Adieu à Jacques Derrida. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. In: Revue Oedipe,, 2005. (Adeus a Jacques Derrida). Essay, psychoanalysis.
Helena, Lucia. En réécrivant le naturalisme : Macabéa, le visage et le destin. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. In: Revista Excavatio, Toronto, Canadá, vol 21/1-2, p. 95-105, 2006. (Reescrever o naturalismo: Macabéa, o rosto e o destino). Essay, Literary theory.
Ribeiro, Darcy. Utopie sauvage : souvenirs de l'innocence perdue. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. Paris: Gallimard, 1990. 192 p. (Utopia Selvagem – Saudades da inocência perdida). Novel.
Rudge, Ana Maria. La pulsion de mort dans la clinique psychanalytique. [Trans: Ana Maria de Alencar]. Marseille: Revista Cliniques Méditerranéennes, 2006. (A pulsão de morte na clínica psicanalítica). Essay psychoanalysis.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. As margens do pântano. In: Margens na literatura, Rio de Janeiro: Numem, 1995. Article, Literary theory.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. O que é o fait divers? Considerações a partir de Roland Barthes. In: Viver com Barthes, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Sete Letras. 2005, p.115-128. Org. de Vera Casa Nova e Paula Glenadel. Article, Literary theory.
Alencar, Ana Maria de & Rosa, Edson-UFRJ. Viagens de estrangeiros. In: History of Latin American Literatures, University of Toronto e Oxford Press, 1999. Article for dictionary entry.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. As poéticas do simbolismo na cena da modernidade. In: Poéticas e manifestos que abalaram o mundo. Revista Tempo Brasileiro, nº 127:123/136, out.-dez., 1996. Article, Literary theory.
Alencar, Ana Maria de & Moraes, Ana Lúcia. As Oficinas de escrita e Oulipo. In: Revista Terceira Margem, 2005. Presentation and article. Literary theory, Description theory, Translation theory.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. Derrida e a psicanálise. In: Documentos, revista do Corpo Freudiano do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Psicanálise, Ano 7, Nº 17, ISSN 1518-3807. 2001. Article, psychoanalysis.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. Em torno da concepção do tempo em Freud (a biografia no Nachträglichkeit da teoria). In: Revista Documentos do Corpo Freudiano do Rio de Janeiro – Escola de Psicanálise. Ano 6, nº 16, November 2000. ISSN 15183807. Article, psycho analysis.
Alencar, Ana Maria de. Notas sobre La Symphonie pastorale. In: Revista ALEA – Estudos Neolatinos, vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa, September1999. ISSN 15 17 - 106 X. pp.11-20. Article, Literary theory.
Calmon, Jean. O Dom Quixote de Foucault. Rio de Janeiro: E-papers. 2003. Book preface by Ana Maria de Alencar.
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