Profile | Translation excerpts | Bibliography
Ana Montoia was born in São Paulo on 19 April 1957. When a child, she studied at the Lycée Pasteur in São Paulo where she learned French. She graduated in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo in 1981, and obtained an MA in History from the State University of Campinas in 1990 with the dissertation Cidade e política: São Paulo no século XIX. She spent the 1990s in Paris and is currently completing her PhD in Sciences Sociales at the University of Paris VII - Sorbonne Jussieu. She has been a professor in Political Theory at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba since 2002.
Ana chooses the works she translates, which include both works in her field of specialization as well as books which she enjoys reading. The writers who stand out among those she has translated include André Gorz, Jeremy Bentham and Valerie Martin.
Entry published on August 18 2005 by:
Narceli Piucco
Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres
Translated by
Carolina Paganine
Breger, Louis. Freud. O lado oculto do visionário. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Manole, 2002. (Freud. Darkness in the midst of the vision).
Gorz, André. Metamorfoses do trabalho. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Annablume, 2003. (Métamorphoses du travail).
Gorz, André. Misérias do presente, riqueza do possível. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Annablume, 2004. (Misères du présent, richesses du possible).
Haroche, Claudine. Da palavra ao gesto. [Trans.: Ana Montoia & Jacy Seixas]. São Paulo: Papirus, 1998. CompilaÇão de artigos publicados em diversas revistas francesas.
Martin, Valerie. Cenas da vida de São Francisco de Assis. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Sá, 2001. (Salvation).
Mourad, Kénizé. O jardim de Baldalpur. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Globo, 2000. (Le jardin de Badalpour).
Schiffer, Daniel. Umberto Eco: o labirinto do mundo. [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Globo, 2000. (Le labyrinthe du monde).
Vauclair, Sylvie. Sinfonia das estrelas: a humanidade diante do cosmos [Trans.: Ana Montoia]. São Paulo: Globo, 2002. (La Symphonie des étoiles: l'humanité face au cosmos).
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